8(a) is contracting
Fast, easy, and no protests. Get your contract issued and underway!
AT or Below SAT
- No offering and acceptance required
- Agency can directly award a firm a requiremnt that is below the Simplified Acquistion Threshold (SAT)
- Must obtain an eligbility determination from Servicing SBA District Office
Between $10,000 - $250,000
SolE Source
- Offering and acceptance is required
- Allow 10 working days at District office level
- On 6th day acceptance may be assumed withe exception of provision of FAR 19.808-1 for 8(a) sole-source procurements.
- Offer and acceptance serves as eligibility determination
Up to $4,000,000 for a Sole Source
Why Wait?
Right Now!
Right Now!
Let's get started now! We would be happy to work with you and your team on drafting outcomes, deliverables, and the skill mix needed to accomplish mission goals.
Steps to Award
In under 30 days you can go from mission need to award.
It’s true! It is only 6 short steps from mission requirements to contract award. Simply clarify the technical objectives, work with Nyla, and get your contract started in under 30 days. Call us at 410-864-6274 with any questions. We are happy to talk!